
How we work

Safety First and MLC Compliance
We focus on the continuous improvement of the quality of our seafarers and management procedures rather than on the sole growth in size of the managed fleet.

We have implemented a safety management system to the highest standards. Our safety & quality manual and ship management procedures are audited by RINA in conformity to the latest ISO 9001:2015 standards.

In addition to the ISO certification, RS Marine Shipmanagement is also in compliance with the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006. We are an approved Private Seafarer Recruitment and Placement Service Provider in Cyprus. The MLC 2006 provides comprehensive rights and protection for crewmembers employed on all types of vessels of foreign Shipowners.

Personalised Approach
Our team prides themselves on a hands-on, personalised approach towards our seafarers, offshore construction workers and their families. This, in return, generates loyalty and commitment. That is an huge advantage in this current difficult times of global manning shortages.

We work on providing stability and continuity of our crew batches, setting up good working teams per vessel which secures significant benefits to the performance of an Owners fleet.

Our vision

  • We believe in growth by providing services beyond expectations.
  • We target to transparent pricing and minimizing unforeseen expenses.
  • We work on creating invaluable relationships with all parties – employees, suppliers, clients, lenders, shareholders and partners.
  • We supply qualified and competent seafarers while having the safety of the environment, crew and cargo as top priorities in mind.
  • Our experience and flexibility is our pride – we cater to our clients’ needs with active involvement and by realizing our full potential through our vast experiences.

Code of Conduct

Our policies on ethics and anti-corruption are clear. We do not tolerate corruption in any form, and we expect all our employees offshore and onshore to match our high ethical standards.

In our work we aim that our standards are continuous, and our various clients rely on us as a transparent and compliant partner.
Maintaining and engaging a safe working environment, we believe it is a must for an efficient, sustainable and profitable business. It is why we conduct our business with respect for human rights and labour standards, including international and national law, conventions and guidelines related to the prevention of child or forced labour, minimum wage and salary and working conditions.